Are Central Ohio franchises mostly fast food and retail? NO!!

think outside the franchise box

The belief that franchising is mostly burgers, fries, & fast food is is the #1 misunderstanding about franchise ownership. It is understandable because that is what you see every day! Did you know there are franchise options for healthcare, fitness, education, technology, automotive, pet industry, beauty, real estate, and a wide range of residential and B2B services? 

Strong franchises often capture a disproportionate share of the market due to powerful proven marketing and business systems. Roughly one-third of all franchises are under $100K all-in and there is no direct correlation between initial investment and ROI. A growing number of financing options are available. With more than 4,100 franchises on the market, there are some that should be avoided. There is an efficient no-cost way to find a business that matches your budget and goals and empowers you to make knowledge-based decisions. As you would expect, knowledge is power and you need to be prepared to invest some time in a serious guided search process. FranNet Columbus franchise consultants are here to help guide you through the process of business ownership and answer any question you may have regarding franchise opportunities in central and southeast Ohio. 

 Learn more about franchising at our upcoming business seminar at Brick House Blue in Dublin, on April 11